CONSULEGIS Conference: Key-Note Speaker Albie Sachs

Cape Town / South Africa

CONSULEGIS Conference: Key-Note Speaker Albie Sachs

CONSULGEIS hosted together with its South African member Brian Kahn Inc. its Autumn Conference in Cape Town, South Africa during early October 2015. CONSULEGIS is an international network of independent corporate law firms, in-house counsels and other professional consultants. The network was founded in 1990 in Hamburg (Germany), and today it has members in more than 45 countries and 150 cities worldwide.

The CONSULEGIS Autumn Conference was graced by the presence of a man who is bound to Art and Politics by love and lineage; and who chose not to be trapped in history. He is one of the most influential and inspirational men in the world and a leader who substantially contributed to the foundation of democracy in South Africa – Ex-Judge and Anti-Apartheid Activist Albie Sachs.

Albie Sachs addressed the intrigued CONSULEGIS members on the Rule of Law by narrating 5 intensely personal African stories staggered over various years in his and South Africa“s history. Albie Sachs informed and enlightened the audience about:
(1) His first exposure to the underground meetings of the African National Congress in the 1950″s and reminisced by singing a selection of the haunting and sad struggle songs.

(2) His first encounters with the icons ex-President Nelson Mandela and OR Tambo and the humbling impact that they had on his life and his on theirs.

(3) The later years when he was appointed as one of the first Constitutional Court Judges; tasked with the assignment of drafting the new Democratic Constitution for South Africa.

(4) His tragic story when he survived a car bomb terrorist attack while in exile in Mozambique and how he one day – many years later – was faced by his attacker and the leap of courage he took to forgive him.

(5) One of the most memorable and defining moments of his life (other than the day that all South African“s voted equally) but the day that ex-President Nelson Mandela acknowledged the power of the South African Judiciary to override a decision he (as President) had made. This action laid a precedent of how the Judiciary collaborate with the Presidency whilst maintaining the all-important Constitutional rule of the Separation of Powers.

Albie Sachs is an international hero and icon not only to South Africans but to all humankind and this was evident by the reaction and standing ovation he received from those privileged to share his 5 stories with him.

For more information about CONSULEGIS please visit our website at

CONSULEGIS ist ein internationales Netzwerk unabhängiger Anwaltskanzleien, Unternehmensjuristen und ähnlicher professioneller Berater.
CONSULEGIS wurde 1990 in Hamburg (Deutschland) gegründet und hat heute Mitglieder in mehr als 45 Ländern und 150 Städten weltweit. Das Netzwerk will seinen Mitgliedern internationale juristische Ressourcen zugänglich machen und betont dabei die Bedeutung von Professionalität, gegenseitigem Vertrauen und Freundschaft. Oberstes Ziel von CONSULEGIS ist, seinen Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit zu bieten, ihren Mandanten vertrauenswürdige Kollegen in allen Winkeln der Wirtschaftswelt zu empfehlen.
CONSULEGIS ist bestrebt, Mitglieder in Städten überall auf der Welt zu gewinnen, denen das Netzwerk strategische, geschäftliche und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung beimisst, so dass jede Kanzlei ihren juristischen Wirkungskreis entsprechend ihren internationalen Ressourcen erweitern kann. Englisch ist die offizielle Sprache und die Mitgliedskanzleien werden nach Qualität, Reputation, Größe und Umfang ihrer internationalen Tätigkeit aufgenommen.

Anke Brauns
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